Friday, February 15, 2019 @ 7:30pm
in Westminster United Church
A musician’s voice mirrors their path through life. Travels, influences, people, and encounters combine to create a unique story. Beginning his public career at age fourteen, pianist Avan Yu captured attention with an international competition win. In this special program, Journeys, Avan shares his expeditions as a pianist and features milestone pieces from his major performances, and composers who have defined his musical growth.
Demonstrating delicate nuances to great technical facilities, Avan plays with a freedom and expression learned only from his worldly experiences. His destinations are a story of their own. From Hong Kong to Vancouver, to living in Berlin, Paris, and now New York, his explorations have shaped both his life and his artistry. Join Avan Yu in this special and personal program, Journeys, that evokes amusement and contemplation for all audiences, into the life of a pianist.
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